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How to register a crop ?

This article shows you how to configure a new crop in detail or edit a Agrosmart crop template.

jonesmar avatar
Written by jonesmar
Updated over a week ago

If you got here, it is because you would like to configure in detail a new crop or edit a crop template, if you only want to use a default crop template without changing it, click here.

You can proceed in two ways: Load a default crop template and edit it or ignore the template and fill each of the fields individually.

Fill in the Crop Name in the corresponding field.

If you want to identify the cultivar/variety that you will be using, just select it from the cultivar field. If you don’t have any cultivar/variety registered yet, don’t worry. You will be able to register it later.

After registering a cultivar, when selecting the box, the options created are displayed and then just selected the one referring to your crop.

Next, you need to inform us if the crop is perennial or not on the field “perennial culture”

If your crop is a perennial crop your answer must be “Yes”. In this case, you need to fill the field “Effective length of the root of perennial crop (Zr)” with the maximum root length your crop has now (if it has already completed development) or the expected maximum length the roots will have once the development is completed.

Note: The value of 40 cm was placed in the length of the root just to illustrate.

The data that you need to fill into the next fields are specific to each crop and could change according to the region. If you need any assistance, please refer to your agronomist or feel free to contact us.

Below you can find a simplification explanation of each field. More information is available in scientific literature.

Albedo(r) - crop reflectivity.

Initial crop length - Depth of the root of your crop at the initial stage.

Final crop length - Final depth expected for the root.

Number of days for root growth - Expected number of days for the root to grow.

Fraction of water available in the soil(f) and coefficient of fraction of water available in the soil - Factor related to water consumption by the root of the crop

Now finally the last step towards the creation of your crop. Configure the phenological phases !

All crops have several development phases which have specific behaviours and have an estimated duration. You can divide the phases as you prefer, so that they reflect your way of irrigation management. To insert a phase, select the button with the add(+), this will open a new window allowing you to enter the information for that phase.

Now, a little explanation about the fields that must be completed

phenological stage name - insert the stage(e.g.: start)

Status - You can select between three options for the status of the phenology stage.

  • Strict condition - You do not allowing irrigate in that period

  • Normal condition - it must be irrigated according to the water demand.

  • Critical condition - Irrigation is essential at this stage

Single crop coefficient (Kc) - indicates the water requirement of phenological phase.

Expected duration - Durations of the phases in days.

Location coefficient - Percentage of irrigation area in localized irrigation systems, if you do not have this data, put 1(one).

After clicking on add phase, the phase will enter in the frame with the numbering that can be checked in the phase Ordem column.

In the last one, we finish the insertion of your crop. You can now access the area management screen. Still do not know how to do this ? Rest assured, click here and I will help you again.

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