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How to use the map

On this article you will find out all the features available on our map

Fabio Mangia avatar
Written by Fabio Mangia
Updated over a week ago

You can always access or return to the “Maps” screen on our platform by clicking in the maps icon in the left sidebar.

On the map view you will be able to draw and add areas and see information about different products, such as Agrosmart View. Besides that, you can access some shortcuts for diverse features.

Before going deeper on the examples, I'll shortly explain the basic features to navigate on the map.

You can zoom in and out of your map by rotating your mouse's roller, or by using the buttons on the right side of your screen with the “+” and “-” icons.

Press the left button of your mouse and drag to move the screen in the desired direction.

Change to the “Map” view whenever you want to have a cleaner view of the roads and return to “Satellite” so that the vegetation appears again. You can also view the contour lines of the terrain by choosing the "Topography" option. If you want to know more details about how the topographic map works, click here.


The area that you draw or import on the platform has a blue color and some information can be accessed by clicking on the area.

Once you click on a area the area floating menu will appear.

You will find out information about the crop that is being managed and you will also see information from the products you have which are related to that area.


After registering a device on the platform it will be displayed over the map on the position you input.

Similar to areas, you can click over the icon and the equipment menu will appear.

On this menu you will see the more up-to-date data available from the sensors plugged to that device. The battery status and some other useful information can be found on this menu. You also have as shortcut to see the telemetry of that equipment.

Weather Forecast

The forecast points will be represented by a icon with a cloud on it, as shown in the image above.

By clicking on the forecast icon, the summary for that point will open on your screen.

To find out how to interpret your forecast data and learn more about the product, you can access our guide by clicking here!

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